Direct Democracy for India

Petition details for Direct Democracy

Election Rule 49-O for NOTA voters in the current state for a hypothetical scenario re-election will go on infinity as the rule itself is None of the Above (NOTA) candidates which makes it challenging for the Election Commission of India (ECI) to implement which will incur more cost burdens tax payers for a re-election. Instead of selecting someone to represent us with help blockchain technology people will able to represent themselves virtually while keep their identity protected and participate in policy making, governance and finance of the country a true democracy which gives power in our hands. When this ideology implemented will bring governance of Parliament, policy and roles of MP , MLA to mobile apps and websites through centralized blockchain technology portal accessible via internet similar to using Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or ordering on Amazon or watching Netflix or YouTube.

The Election Commission of India and Government of India have already experimented with the use of blockchain technology in remote voting for NRI. We want Indian government to implement direct democracy for 49-O voters by using BlockChain Technology, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Web 3.0, SmartContracts and Generative AI technology combined. This technology helps in giving power in the hands of people to take decisions in governance, policy by bringing them to Mobile Apps and government website.Also voting for making decision pertaining to their constituency can be through Smart Cards, Aadhaar Seva Kendra, Common Service Centers (CSC), SMS, AI voice calls, missed calls for less tech-savvy citizens.

1.The Old political system (Representational Democracy) & Representation of People Act 1951 and related methods in India did not help reduce corruption or bring good governance even after honest politicians came into power till now.

2.We need to retrospect representational democracy and think of adopting a direct democracy model in India to reduce corruption and power concentration in the hands of a few people. Also, fix most problems raising due to politics and politicians.

3.Most political party giving government tenders and contracts to shell companies formed by close associates of Political parties in power. As these parties need capital for their campaign funded by these associates and parties are obligated to people who gave money for their campaign just like a debt.

4.This is not only the case in India even in countries like USA have same problem of lobbying by people with influence. The main reason why most people see public office as a business is to make money by deceiving people.

5.This has led to widespread corruption, favoritism, nepotism, brain drain, crony capitalism and leaving out talented people who can do job better.These talented people are going to foreign countries to contribute their talent for better opportunities.

6.Also deceiving people in election by promising freebies worth lakhs of crores rupees in election manifesto, people unaware of the consequences vote for them and suffer by paying higher taxes ,higher prices for commodities making the politicians rich.

7.Polarizing people on Social media like Facebook, Twitter and video platforms like YouTube with fake information to gain popularity and win the elections

Proof Of Concept (POC) for protection of NOTA Voters Identity:

Most documents are linked to Aadhaar Card including voter id, Bank Accounts, Phone number, PAN Card, Ration Card, LPG Connection, EB Bill etc. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will select the active phone number that matches documents said above or else before elections all voters will update the current phone to Aadhaar card.

During election as soon as election official presses the ballot button after scanning aadhaar card, API gets activated to capture the Voters choice. And when voter selects NOTA option in EVM or Online Voting machine , Aadhaar APIs will be notified through encrypted sha 256 bit algorithm Message without any government officials noticing it, and SMS will be sent to voters aadhaar linked phone number to verify EVM or online voting is not tampered.

Voters will be allowed to take video of pressing button and take QR code generated by VVPATs if any discrepancy found will lodge a complaint to block chain technology portal.A generative AI designed for fraud detection will analyze video and QR Code will trigger online link erase data captured during election rectify option as per video or correct it manually.Once voting completes before announcement of results NFTs for NOTAs will be generated and NOTAs will be given time to commit or authenticate their NFTs.

Once Authentication completed credentials will be generated by Artificial Intelligence notified through SMS of Aadhaar linked phone number of NOTA voters.They will be able to login to the Centralized BlockChain Technology governance profile using Aadhaar based 2FA and participate in Direct Democracy.

POC – For Decision Making:

Once a verified block chain is created and deployed then it will be linked to Decision making services.

The AI technology will auto allocate the NOTAs in particular constituency for financial decision making in their constituency without officials getting aware of who are NOTAs and without revealing their identity their decisions will be accessible via Internet.

Prayers to President of India and Supreme Court Of India :

1.Regardless of number of NOTA votes in any elections. NOTA’s should be to allowed to represent themselves (Direct Democracy) virtually through use of Block Chain Technology instead of Political Party or MLA or MP and at all times identity of such voters should be protected.

2.NOTAs should have same roles and responsibility as MP or MLA but without any monetary allowances and benefit like an actual representative.Transactions should be visible but identity should be kept confidential at all times for decisions made in any of State Legislature or Parliament Sessions.

3.A Centralized Governance Portal based on blockchain technology should be created to show agendas or bills that requires NOTA’s to approval.It need to be display at Parliament , State legislatures and Councils where ever elected representative assembles and public should be allowed to access it through Internet.

4.Introduction of direct voting for NOTA’s to affect the financial decisions of the country.Example awarding the contracts for issues such as laying ditches, roads anything that involves MLA, MP, Ministers and long-term finance of the country.

5.Any political party or MP or MLA from any where in India tires to transfer a bureaucrat specially IAS officers of District or any Cabinet Secretaries or Any officers belonging to Public Service Commissions should be approved in the Blockchain Technology based Governance portal by NOTAs and politician give proper reason with evidence for transfer only after that such orders be processed else they will go through regular tenure based methods.

6.Protection of identity of same as in elections for voting directly by NOTA voters in any of decisions which includes financial, policy and bills should be kept confidential and anonymous.

7.Strategy should be to bring Direct Democracy to mainstream politics and representational democracy for constitutional amendments which will be kind of like hybrid democracy or tri-cameral Parliament should be created where third house will be NOTA.

8.If there is any stalemate in passing bill or ordnance by either of the houses in parliament or state legislature then it should passed automatically once majority approves in 3rd house (NOTA)

9.All the source code created for application used for direct democracy should be open source and available to public for testing the code.


Kindly sign this petition to Election Commission of India, President of India, CPGRAMS and Supreme Court of India to take issue as suo moto Public Interest Litigation (PIL) pass the amendment to Election Rule 49-O to provide Direct Democracy through blockchain technology for NOTA Votes in General Election 2024 and India’s future elections.


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